Are Dental Implants Affordable? Beverly, MA
Do you have a missing tooth? Do you want to regain your lost confidence? Dental implants can help you accomplish it. Dental procedures can be overwhelming for many patients due to several factors. One of the major factors that scare patients away is the cost of dental implants. Dr. Thomas Rafferty advise their patients to compare their options to see which restoration best suits their oral health needs. If you wonder whether dental implants are affordable, the following information can paint a thorough picture to give you an idea.
Dental Implants - An Overview
Dental implants are the ideal solution to missing teeth. Many patients lose teeth due to bacterial infections, gum disease, and accidental injuries. They develop a habit of avoiding public interactions due to a missing tooth. While it may not affect some people, missing teeth can lead to lost confidence, lost smiles, and gum problems, if left untreated. This is where the concept of dental implants comes to the rescue.
Dental implants are artificial tooth replacements that fit into a person’s jawbone. The typical dental implant procedure involves surgically cutting the gum, exposing the jawbone, and drilling implant posts to create an artificial tooth root. Once created, oral surgeons top these roots with abutments to establish a ground for prosthetic teeth.
The dental implant procedure can take time and may cost much depending on the severity and complexity of the case. If it is your first time hearing about it, let us guide you through the essential details to help you get started.
Having a missing tooth does not declare you fit for a dental implant. Many other factors join the equation to determine the ideal cases. First, understanding the cause of tooth loss is important. You may have a simple implant case if you lose a tooth due to an accident. On the contrary, tooth loss due to gum disease, may add further complications.
Patients with such problems may have loose gums or weak jawbones. Since dental implants fit into the patient’s jawbone, an oral surgeon may declare them unfit for the procedure. In many cases, patients suffer from bone loss, leaving no space to drill the implant screws into the jawbone. Doctors opt for additional procedures, like bone grafting, to establish a bone below the missing tooth to create dental implants.
Moreover, ideal candidates for dental implants must have healthy gums, healthy bones, good overall health, and no other diseases that may interfere with dental procedures. Before you plan your dental implant surgery, consulting a dentist may come in handy to rule out such complications.
Dental implants have two primary classifications. These types depend on how the procedure is carried out. For your understanding, we have covered the details of each type below. This information may help you when discussing implant options with your dentist.
Endosteal Implants
Endosteal implants are common in most tooth loss cases. The typical endosteal procedure involves drilling screw-like artificial roots into the patient’s jawbone. Doctors cut the patient’s gum to expose the bone under the missing tooth. Once done, they use a drilling tool to create a hole and fit cylindrical screw(s) within. The next phase involves fitting an abutment above the screw to hold the gum below the replacement tooth in place. In the final step, oral surgeons fit a prosthetic tooth above the gum, allowing it to heal.
Subperiosteal Implants
Subperiosteal implants are rare and may only be recommended to a few patients. Using a metal plate, these implants fit between the gum tissue and the jawbone. The metal plate is the artificial ground (instead of the jawbone) to support the replacement tooth. Dentists recommend subperiosteal dental implants to patients with shallow jawbones. Such bones do not provide much space for drilling the implant screws. Consulting your dentist may help you determine the condition of your jawbone before planning a dental implant surgery.
Dental Implant Cost: Are They Affordable?
The costs of dental implants vary depending on the patient’s oral health. When you have healthy gums, bones, and teeth, you may bear fewer costs for dental implants than those with gum disease and bone loss issues. Generally, dental implant costs range from $1,500 to $6,000 for a single tooth. If you have multiple missing teeth, the costs may vary based on each tooth’s condition.
Mini dental implants may be much cheaper than the standard ones. Moreover, full-mouth implants can cost $40,000 or more, based on the individual. If you are unsure about your oral health, consulting a dentist may come in handy to get a cost plan for the procedure.
How Are Dental Implants Beneficial?
Dental implants are the ideal solution to tooth loss issues in most patients. In fact, they are the most reliable option in dentistry to restore your normal chewing abilities. If you wonder what the benefits of dental implants are, let us shed some light on a few for your ease.
To start with, dental implants look like your natural teeth. Another major benefit of dental implants is restoring your natural eating practices. You can chew hard foods without worrying about losing your prosthetic teeth. Dental bridges may not offer the same freedom when eating your favorite meals. Bridges have limitations and may only last for certain periods.
Moreover, dental implants can protect your gums from catching bacterial infections. Leaving your tooth cavity exposed increases the risk of bacterial development. The infection may spread to adjacent gums, leading to more serious problems. These benefits may help you pay more attention to your gums and make the right decision accordingly.
If you have a missing tooth, scheduling a dental implant procedure can save you from gum disease and bone infections. Dr. Thomas Rafferty at Thomas P. Rafferty, DDS can thoroughly examine your oral condition to prescribe you the best solution for your missing teeth. Contact us today at (978) 720-9009 to find out how dental care is affordable for you and book your appointment. |